Part 61: Run 2 - Part 9
Now let us set our plans in motion.

Oh woe is me...

What did you say, Captain? You need to speak up!

I said: 'please continue'. And calm down.

I am calm! But she gazed at me with her Evil Eye and look! All I get is evil! A WART! What other proof would one need, eh?

This sounds important! You'll need to excuse me, madame. I have to take care of this urgent matter. I shall investigate your complaint and take the necessary steps.

Oh, alright. Sure. As long as the one complaining is young and beautiful, it's always urgent. I'd have to die a violent death to be that urgent. How fair is that, eh? I swear, it's like my younger son says: 'screw the City Guard'...

Oh, I have a couple of ideas... However, all I need right now is to speak to you. And I'm afraid that it isn't a simple matter, either.

I see. It's always a pleasure to speak to you, regardless. I'm all ears.

I need to report a crime. Lady Carmosa has forged invitations to the Grand Ball for herself and two more.

Are you sure you want to accuse Lady Carmosa of committing a forgery of a royal document?

Yes, I'm sure.

Lady Carmosa's daughters.

Oh... Technically, I shouldn't be asking this, but are you sure you want to report this, then? It could result in Lady Carmosa going to jail. Is this what you want? I mean, it's a serious crime, but...

This isn't her first crime, just the first that she has been caught at. It's time that she paid for all of her dirty little tricks and games.

I need to point out that no one has been caught yet. Right now it's just your word against a noble's reputation. You would need solid proof if I'm to follow up on this.

That should be easy. Just check their invitations at the Ball. That will give you all the proof you should need.

So be it, I'll check their invitations closely. But it puzzles me why you would want to hurt those close to you so badly?

Close to me? You have no idea what you're talking about! She managed to fill me with so much disdain and dread. Nobody should have to suffer like I did. I'm afraid to explain it, afraid that she'll catch me speaking to you. Goodbye, Captain. Please, if you care for me at all, check Carmosa's invitation closely.

But even if what you say is true, what kind of person wants their family members imprisoned?
Pfffft. Come on. You have met these people, right?

I was honestly afraid I wouldn't be able to get back on time. Or worse: stumble upon them on the way home. Nobody should have to come home hoping to find all the people gone. Praying to be left alone. Fortunately, with some luck it's the last time I feel like this. Tomorrow everything's going to change. One way or the other.
I wonder if I'm actually able to do what I'm fighting for. Can I run this house on my own?

I hope I won't become her. I hope I won't have to.

Alright, enough of this. I need to go into my room and stay there as usual. When Carmosa comes back I need to look like nothing is going on.
Next up is that little pre-ball montage.

I feel like there's a dozen especially vicious poisonous butterflies having a Grand Ball of their own in my stomach. Poisonous butterflies, that's a good one, Cinders. Lack of sleep will surely make you very eloquent this evening. Still, if things do go according to the plan, this has just been my last night spent as a slave in my own house!
I can hear Carmosa's voice, is she mustering the girls again? Her private little army of two. Well, whatever training she gives them, nothing will prepare them for this evening! Oh my, won't they be surprised. As will be Carmosa. The all-powerful, all-knowing Lady will be caught at a loss tonight. I think I should sneak out right after they leave the house if I'm to get the dress before it all starts. So hurry up, girls!

I know, I'm sorry. It was difficult to leave the house, Carmosa and the girls ran amok. Do you know how long it takes to tie all those funny strings in a corset? Wait. You probably don't. I can't believe I'm doing this. Making excuses in front of an otherwordly apparition.

Then don't make them.

Right. So... how am I going to get to the Ball? I doubt that's even possible.

Your doubts are useless; your belief is not. Because you accepted our aid we have left a gift for you under the old oak.

A gift?

Heavens, it's beautiful! This fabric is so fine, what is it made of?

The skins of unloved orphans, obviously. Not like anyone else was using them. Waste not want not.

Alright, keep your secrets. It's still incredible. The shoes are not exactly my size though. I really feel like a princess! Whatever the price, right now I'd say it was worth it. Still, there's the minor detail of getting inside the Palace without a royal invitation.

Lords of this land and their little obsession with insignificant pieces of paper. Seals made by mortals mean nothing to us. As long as you keep the dress on, no one will stop you. Be confident, walk right in and don't look back.

I know it will work. Thank you for your help. I owe you.
Sweet Jesus, woman, why would you ever say that to a fairy?

We are honoring the old Concord and sealing a new one with you. Like your mother, you have not forsaken us. You have made rites, and your wish will be granted. We will carry the Weight of your Fate for a while. We will help you lift it higher and carry it further. Once the cycle is complete, the Weight will reveal its Price. We wish you good fortune, Cinders. It is time for you to go.
At the party, Sophia's scene is the same. It only changes if you fail to get your disposition high enough with her. I'll show that off later. Since we developed a connection with Gloria this go-around, her scene with the Prince is slightly altered.
After she tries to make vapid small talk with him for a while, and he gets increasingly annoyed with it, this happens.

It's fine. Just please, relax. I get the feeling you are very tense. Can we just chat casually?

Of course, my lord. What would you like to chat about?

*sigh* How do you like the music?

I kind of noticed. Please tell me what your strong suits are then?

I really couldn't tell you. I suppose that it is a bad sign when I don't know what my best qualities are, isn't it?

I think nobody knows themselves one hundred percent. On the other hand, I suppose it is a bit unusual to not know a thing.

I'm not sure. That is rather strange as well, isn't it? I think I would like to find out how I feel. About many things. I'm not even sure what I want for myself. Nor do I know how I feel about the goal I was dragged here to achieve.

I'd like to go and find a couple of things out before anything else. Maybe we will meet again in better circumstances one day.

Yes. Yes, of course. And good luck. I hope that you will succeed in finding yourself.
Cinders's scene is also different, not just because of the dress, but because of her new personality.

I hope you're not offended by my late arrival, Prince? These halls are so magnificent and tastefully arranged that it would be a crime to disrupt their harmony by careless attire.

Not at all, my Lady. It often takes an outsider's perspective to make us realize the beauty we have grown accustomed to. Especially if it is tangled with memories not equally beautiful.

I agree. From my experience people tend to use beauty as a mask for pain. I guess fine halls are no exception.

Neither is exquisite wardrobe. Look around you, my Lady, the people you seebeautifully dressed and smiling radiantlydo you think they are happy?

Who would have suspected such a young and serene woman to have such painful experiences.

Now, who would have suspected it from a prince? One would rather imagine him to lead a life of bliss.

A sharp remark. Indeed it can be blissful as long as it is ignorant. In truth a monarch is a servant as much as a ruler.

It raises an interesting question. Since the king and a commoner differ so slightly, shouldn't the people be allowed to rule themselves?
And so the fairy-backed revolution begins.


Why no, there's nothing secret about it. Besides rumor has it Your Highness is planning a revolution of sorts himself.

I must admit, you are an intriguing woman, my Lady. Very different from the rest of the people who came here today. They don't seem to be even slightly bothered by the masks they have to wear. I wonder, if it's so because they wear them every single day as well? But you are different. You may be wearing a mask, but you speak to me plainly and honestly, risking being misunderstood or simply rejected. I can appreciate that, even if you did leave me a bit flabbergasted.

During the last few days I've learned that people are as complex as their motivations and agendas. And more importantlywe are all products of circumstances and surroundings. It would be easier to simply summarize others at first glance, have their actions justified with a simple 'because'. But it would be false as we can never really grasp what is inside them.

I must admit, I find the dictum terrifying. That all of us are merely actors on some stage set out for us.

Be it others, or Fate. Being determined by things we can't control is frightening. I know it all too well.

You speak of your family?
She tells him vaguely about her home situation, yada yada yada, they dance.

And yet, here we are. It feels very natural too. Who knows, maybe it was Fate that brought the two of us together?

Even though the most important things in life are given and we have little or no say as far as they are concerned.

Here we are, back at the not so pleasant topic of necessity and determination.

Terrifying, I remember. But in truthisn't it all we are: decisions we make regardless of Fate? When we ignore the fact that we don't and can't know what awaits us in the future?

Even if it means ignoring possible consequences of our actions about which we know nothing?

And all we can do is decide how to act in spite of that. Yes. It is exactly what I have been repeating to myself. This may not be the wisest thing to say at the moment but I'll say it anyway: I consider myself lucky to have met you tonight, my Lady.
The Prince proceeds to tell her how hot she is like a total goon, and regardless of her personality, Cinders peaces out from the dance to play him like a fiddle.

Next time, we'll see how the whole taking the house back thing goes now that she has had her moment in the spotlight.